Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do you have Gold Fever?

The law of the Lord is perfect reviving the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy
making wise the simple
The precepts of the Lord are right giving joy to the heart
The commands of the Lord are radiant
giving light to the eyes
The fear of the Lord is pure
enduring forever
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous
They are more precious that gold than much pure gold.
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
Psalms 19:7-10

God gives 4 examples of what the word of God does for us.

1. It is so comprehensive that it can transform your whole person (v.7a)
2. It teaches you how to live skillyfully; it imparts wisdom (v.7b)
3. You can see life as it really is through the bible (v. 8)
4. There are no impurities in the Word, no errors that will lead you astray (v. 9)

We always talk about how to make memories with our children. Creating traditions that last a life time. How to invest in our families so that we grow together as we grow older. Well I challenge you, are you creating memories with God?

I can remember specific times when God has pulled through for me financially when I was in a program called Master's Commission. God provided for me. I remember where I was and what verses God gave me when he called me to move to Sacramento, California from Phoenix, Arizona. Those times remind me as if I built an altar, like in the old testament. They would build an altar and sacrifice thanks to God. They gave those altars names as remembrance to what God had done!

To be honest, life gets in the way now. With five children I am on the go, there are things to get done and it gets harder for me to get in a devotional. I have struggled with it for years. But...I do have to say that when I fit it in, I can tell a difference in me. I am growing, creating new memories with God.

I want gold fever as it says in vs. 10. That the word of God is more precious than gold, than much pure gold! I want to hunger for God's word to know Him more and be used by Him more! I have been reading Living a Life of Fire by Reinard Bunnke (highly recommend). He was called to be a missionary at the age of 10. Despite the lack of support by his entire family, he knew in his heart his calling and God used him to reach millions in Africa. Wherever God has placed you, he can use you to reach those around you.

Let's all be challenged to dig in God's word, be transformed in our whole body, given wisdom for each day, to see life and people through God's words and lean on Him because in Him there is no wrong!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Josh Wilson - I Refuse

I woke up with this song playing in my head as if I was singing it in myself. I almost wanted to start singing as soon as I opened my eyes! It was the craziest thing.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the book I'm reading!? Living A Life of Fire by Reinhard Bonnke. I had never heard of him until about a month ago. But I got the privilege to listen to him speak (which was very basic, to the point and easy to understand). Now I am reading his book and who could question God?

I want that fire! I want to hear the voice of God like that! I want to be used! This is the chorus of this song;

So...If you say move, it's time for me to follow through
and do what I was made to do.
Show me who you are.
I don't wanna life like I don't care.
I don't want to say another empty prayer.
I refuse to
sit around and wait for someone else
to do what God has called me to do myself.
I could choose not to move
But I Refuse!!!"

This is Reinhard Bonnke's ministry...


Friday, March 2, 2012

Walking A Life On Your Knees

While he was till speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said,
'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"
When the disciples heard "Get up," he said.
"Don't be afraid." When they looked up,
they saw no one except Jesus. Matthew 17:5-8

Have you ever been in the presence of God that is so strong it brings you to tears or maybe takes you to your knees? You feel His presence so thick around you and you would love to just stay there? I know I have! It's the most incredible place to be. With our creator, the one who loves us more than anything in life. In this passage in Matthew the disciples; Peter, James and John saw the "Glory" of God and they fell to their knees.

In our daily life I don't always have that feeling. It usually happens in worship during a church service, or when you go away for a special event. But God is with us even in the car, while we cook dinner, drive the kids to school. The small moments with God are just as important as the ones that bring you to your knees. God is God at all times. My walk in life is my service to God and I want it to reflect Him!

We worship a living God. He is moving a breathing in our lives today. We have a privilege to bring glory to the most glorious Being in the universe. What are you going to do today that will glorify God?*

*Time to Get Serious by Tony Evans

Monday, February 6, 2012

God is Perfectly Holy

Think about it

If God were not perfectly holy,
He would simply by a slighter better version of us,
not a Person worthy of our worship.

*From Time to Get Serious by; Tony Evans*

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Rocks Cry Out!

Have you ever read a passage in the bible and it stood out to you in a whole new way? I was doing my bible study from Time to Get Serious and ran across Psalm 19

Psalm 19:1-2 The heavens declare the Glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth his speech; night after night they display his knowledge.

How Glorious our God! God doesn't have to take time to prove his existence. The world is shouting his Glory! I am reminded of Luke 19:40;
"I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. I don't want to rocks to cry out in my place but they already do.

My youngest saw the sunset the other day and the sky was so pink. She asked; "How can the sky be pink?" The answer is "God!" By the time I got a picture it wasn't as pink but you can see how it spread across the sky. I remember when I lived in Phoenix I would make sure to see the sun setting each night. (I was driving many times during the sunset). I reminded myself to see the beauty of God and thank Him during those times. The universe declares his wonders every day! Let's take the time to notice and Thank God!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Give Them Room

We all know that we have some good days and some times we have bad ones. We are in a bad mood or something upsets us. We also know that we would hope others would either lend us a hand, help us in some way. Even offer some advice. Most of all sometimes we just need to be given room, to breathe, adjust, relax, regroup. Whatever it may be...

We may be good at it with strangers. At the store we are willing to let someone go ahead in line, or understanding someones frustration in passing. We don't know that person, we haven't invested any time and may even look like the Good Samaritan when it comes to those outside our home that we are willing to help for "a moment".

But...then we get home, close the door and I know I've been guilty of it...I have very little patience with the "human" side of those I live with. I usually don't take into consideration whether my kids may have had a rough day or had their feelings hurt, I just want them to listen. I may not consider that they need something to get their minds occupied or run around to get the jitters out, I just want some peace and quiet. My husband may come home frustrated or tired from work. Things may be piling up around me and I just want some help. But what I need to do is give them room.

You know it may seem like something so simple but sometimes in a particular moment, it's not. I'm realizing that there are some patterns in our family dynamic that I'm wanting to change. In the long run giving other room will improve my own stress and sanity, it can also improve our communication with each other. We all have moments when we need to be able to be "human" and one day I'm gonna need someone to give me some room as well!