We all have busy lives. Between kids; school, homework, drop-offs, pick-ups, cooking, bedtime. Then there is keeping up with laundry, dishes, paying bills. On top of that we are wives. Then comes the need for ourselves. The list could go on and on! In fact, that IS my list, a shortened version of it at least! We ARE busy!
There was a woman's activity I did one time. You had a sheet of paper to fill out your days activities. It had each day listed and each hour of the day in columns. After filling it out each day. From the time I woke up til the time I went to bed, I looked at it and saw how much time I actually have on my hands to fill up. (I challenge you to make one for yourself to see what your daily/weekly schedule looks like as well).
I have to admit. I have "things" I actually need to do. I can keep busy. But being busy with kids I usually want to relax when I'm not busy with them. Trying to fill that "me" time. I catch up on my t.v. episodes, read a book, whatever else. The activity wasn't to make you feel guilty. I still believe we need time to relax and don't need to worry about every little thing.
Yet, the one thing I do Need to make time for is my time alone with the Lover of My Soul!
Again, this site may just be for me. But if for no one else, I need it.
This year for Harvest Church our year is about Growing. Growing in the Word of God and with that we Grow in other areas of our life as well. I am going through the kids devotional with my kids at night, on the nights we are able to. It's amazing even just how much they learn in just a few scriptures at a time.
I loved what Pastor Perry said. If you miss a night don't try to catch up, just start where you left off. Don't feel guilty. I lived by that many times, trying to catch up for all the days that I missed. It became a chore and I wasn't able to receive what I needed. If you haven't eaten for 3 days, you don't eat 3 days of meals all at one time. You just eat what you need for that moment so that you can digest it!
I am excited to Grow this year...on the Inside!
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